Pre-Formance - Young Athletes imagePre-Formance - Young Athletes imagePre-Formance - Young Athletes image

PRE-Formance Pilates: Young athletes incorporating Pilates into their training practice to develop and improve 
their movement skills for the sport they play.  

Children and young adults have been greatly impacted by a sedentary culture. Physical activity, even among the youngest children, is more limited than ever in modern history. Gone are the days of playing outside all day, climbing trees, romping through creeks, rolling around on the ground, balancing on skates, or riding bikes for transportation. There are many reasons for this change in culture, but the impact on young bodies is profound.

Fast-forward and these same kids are playing high-level sports. They are often required to commit to a single sport, practice year-round and train performing professional drills. However, several building blocks of movement are likely missing in their bodies because they missed the play or the amount of play necessary to develop the movement intelligence needed to perform at the level their sport demands. Therefore, injuries occur due to missing skills, repetitive sport specific movements and very little cross-training.

PRE-Formance Pilates is designed to develop the missing movement skills and intelligence. The program was created for young athletes, to compliment their training, and help them prepare for practice and games. Performance is immediately improved, including speed, agility, efficiency, balance, coordination and mental focus.

Our PRE-Formance Pilates program works with individual athletes and teams.